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Vitamin D3 Benefits

The number of diseases connected with vitamin D deficiency can be closely compared to the amount of diseases linked to cigarette smoking.

  Cancer Prevention and Vitamin D(more details)

  • Over the last 30 years research has uncovered that more than 16 different types of cancer can be linked to Vitamin D deficiency. This has been confirmed in placebo studies where patients who were given vitamin d supplements had a 77% reduction in incidences of cancer relative to patients who were given the placebo. In another study, women in Finland who was given the highest levels of Vitamin D had an 84% reduction.. (read more)  (8)

  • When looking into specific cancers, there was a 72% reduction in colorectal cancer and 70% reduction in risk of breast cancer in women in those taking the highest levels of vitamin D. (29)

  • In studies for men, taking Vitamin D3 5000 IU proved to reduce the development of prostate cancer by three times and invasive cancer by six times compared to men with low levels of vitamin D.(34)

  • Some longer term studies have shown that people with higher vitamin D consumption cut the risk of pancreatic cancer in half.(40)

 Potential for Vitamin D in Cancer Treatment (more details)

  • Women with breast cancer who had vitamin D deficiency had a 70% greater chance of dying.(90)

  • When it comes to lung cancer, patients who had a high intake of vitamin D had a 56% five year relapse free survival rate compared to 23% for those who had low consumption of vitamin d. (59)

  • There was a study that confirmed a 60% reduction in chances of dying from colorectal cancer with high intakes of vitamin D.(64)

  • Prostate cancer patients had a 85% reduction in chance of death with high range levels of vitamin D. This is almost seven fold increase from those with low levels (152)

  • Vitamin D shown to reduce joint pains caused by aromatase inhibitors (178)

 Heart Disease (more details)

  • There is a higher risk of cardiovascular disease the farther one is from the equator. This could be a number of diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, and myocardial infarction. (65,66)

  • There has been a strong connection between the risk of heart attack and vitamin D deficiency. (75)

  • Studies have shown that patients with high levels of vitamin D have a 200% decrease in the potential risk of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular disease. (8788)

       Asthma (more details)

  • A placebo study showed that children had a six-fold reduction in asthma attacks who were taking vitamin D supplements compared to the placebo (175)

  • There was an enhancement tenfold on steroids on inflammatory cells from asthma patients when vitamin D was present.(174)

  • Asthma patients with lower levels of vitamin D didn’t react as well as higher level vitamin D patients to corticosteroids.(173)

  • Asthmatic adults with lower levels of vitamin d has shown to have decreased lung function. (173)

  • Children with asthma who have higher levels of vitamin d use less inhaled steroids and less hospital visits compared to children with lower levels of vitamin D.(171)

 Diabetes (more details)
  • The farther one lives from the equator, the increase risk of diabetes. This can be associated to lower levels of vitamin D.(102)

  • Infants who are given vitamin D supplements have an 80% reduction in the chance of diabetes later in life. This can also be true for children who have rickets, which had a four-fold decrease in developing diabetes with higher levels of vitamin D. (103)

  • When it comes to patients who have diabetes, taking vitamin D supplements can help slow the progression of the disease. (103)

 Multiple Sclerosis (more details)

  • Multiple Sclerosis is more present in parts of the world farther from the equator who get less sunlight and vitamin D. (106)

  • Epidemiology suggests that having lower levels of vitamin D in the last few month of pregnancy can raise the risk level of the child getting multiple sclerosis later in life. (111)          

  • Nurses who took 400IU per day of Vitamin D as part of a multivitamin demonstrated a 40% reduced risk of developing MS. (107)

  • There has been research done by professor Ebers of Oxford University who has shown vitamin D has a direct influence on the risks of developing MS. (118)  

  • 16% of Multiple Sclerosis patients had a relapse when given 14,000IU of Vitamin D per day for a year. Patients who received 1000IU per day of Vitamin D had a 40% relapse rate. (112)

  • For every 10ng increase in Vitamin D level, 32% less brains lesions were detected by MRI in MS patients (176)

  • Each 4 nanogram increase in Vitamin D level reduced relapse rate in MS patients by 13.7 % (177)

 Oral Health and Vitamin D3 (more details)

  • The consumption of Vitamin D has lead to a lower number of dental cavities in children. (119-130)

  • Strong comparisons have been shown between periodontal disease and Vitamin D deficiency. (132)

  • Tooth loss in adults have been shown to be more prominent in adults with lower levels of Vitamin D. (133)

 Vitamin D and Pregnancy

  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should increase their Vitamin D intake to 2000IU per day. This advice from the Canadian Pediatric Society is based on fetal and infant development where Vitamin D can help with protection against diseases such as asthma, osteoporosis, bowel disease, and dental cavities. (Press Release)

 Vitamin D and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (More details)

  • Respiratory tract infections appear more common in winter when Vitamin D levels are much lower, reducing the production of antimicrobials and antiviral peptides. (141) 

  • Research has shown that people with Vitamin D deficiency are 40% more likely to have upper respiratory tract infections. (140)

 Autism and Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Pregnant women with lower levels of Vitamin D have been shown to have higher chances of giving birth to an autistic child.

  • There has been an increase in autism over the last 20 years (159160) which matches the advice to keep children and infants out of the sun. (161)

  • Studies have shown that estrogen can stimulate Vitamin D levels where testosterone doesn’t. This helps explain why males have four times the chance of autism compared to females. (162)

  • Vitamin D levels have been shown to correlate heavily with normal brain development. (163) 

  • In a rare condition known as Williams Syndrome children have greatly elevated levels of Vitamin D. This condition presents later in life with overfriendliness, heightened sociability and an unusual willingness to initiate social interaction. These are exactly opposite to the signs of Autism.(164)

The products and the claims made about specific products on this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
Emerging data on Vitamin D3 has led to the following announcements from the leading medical institutions in the world

March 2020-21 Multiple studies suggest Vitamin D deficiency: a factor in COVID-19 infection and progression (see here

June 2007-Canadian Cancer Society recommends all Canadians take daily Vitamin D3 supplements to prevent cancer 

December 2015-Lack of Vitamin D may increase risk of heart disease-American Heart Association 

Harvard Medical School Sept 2008-Time for more Vitamin D-Incidence of cancer reduced by 77% with Vitamin D

Mayo Clinic Dec 2009-Vitamin D appears to boost health from head to toe

BUPA-UK Dec 2009-Vitamin D shown to reduce risk of cancer 
Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide epidemic
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